A weird exchange ensues between the NBA player and the UFC veteran Jon Jones

People can’t believe he would even consider doing something like this.

James Johnson, a star on the NBA, has asserted that he is capable of defeating Jon Jones, a legend in the UFC, in their respective sports with only one year of training.

Jones has the title of Heavyweight Champion of the UFC at the present time and is widely considered to be the greatest in the world at this point.

On November 11, he will be defending his title against Stipe Miocic at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The match will take place in New York.

In spite of this, he has not shown much enthusiasm in facing other individuals who are competing for the next heavyweight championship in the UFC, and instead, he is planning to take on a well-known opponent such as Tyson Fury.

The challenge is issued by James Johnson to Jon Jones.
Instead, a diversion in the form of Johnson has come into the picture. Johnson believes that with just one year of further practice, he will be able to defeat Jones. To give Johnson his due, he has a frame that weighs 240 kg and measures 6 feet 8 inches tall. Having said that, there are other factors besides size that are considered during competition in combat sports.

Johnson stated this while appearing on the NBA Rookie Life show hosted by former NBA player turned announcer Ryan Hollins. “I think I could beat him for real,” Johnson added.

“Jones and I rock together. It would take me a whole year. My ground game isn’t as strong as my standup game, but that’s because Jones wrestled in college, and we all know how excellent he is on the ground. That’s not where my strengths lie.

“I believe that I could win against him, in all honesty. However, as I mentioned before, with a year of experience in defense training. All I need is some ground defense.

After graduating from college, he began training his hands and feet in various martial arts techniques. Since I was about five or six years old, I’ve been practicing my punching and kicking skills.

Because he’s been wrestling for such a long time, everything that applies to me applies to him in the opposite way. Getting familiar with all of his wrestling moves; as long as I can prevent him from falling to the mat, I will win.

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