Cowboys QB Dak Prescott takes in Recreation 5 of ALCS between Rangers, Astros

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott took benefit of his tem’s Bye Week to attend Globe Life Subject on Friday for Recreation 5 of the ALCS between the Texas Rangers and Houston Astros within the 2023 MLB Playoffs.

Prescott, 30, was carrying a white Rangers jersey together with his final title on the again, a blue Dallas hat and carried a crimson Texas towel. He obtained a roaring ovation from the group when proven on the jumbotron.

Dak Prescott will get closely criticized by by Donte Whitner

Followers on social media had been fast to level out how Rangers had been forward on the scoreboard when the stadium confirmed Prescott.

Rangers went on to lose 5-4 and at the moment are trailing 3-2 within the collection forward of Recreation 6 on Sunday at Houston.

George W. Bush in attendance

Former POTUS George W. Bush, who in 1989 bought a minority stake within the Rangers, was additionally in attendance and proven on the jumbotron.

Bush, 77, and his spouse Laura additionally attended Video games 3 and 4 of the ALCS earlier this week.

When requested who he was rooting for, Bush claimed to be pulling for everybody, however admitted his Rangers bias shortly after.

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