Lewis Hamilton: British businessman wants to ‘enhance pipeline’ in STEM subjects for people from different backgrounds

Lewis Hamilton has stated that one of his goals is to “improve the pipeline” for youngsters from a variety of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds to pursue careers in the scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical (STEM) fields.

His previous work to increase the number of black educators in STEM fields will serve as a foundation for this endeavor.

“We want these kids to know they are the future,” added Hamilton. “We want them to know they are the future.”

The lack of diversity in UK motorsport was an issue that was previously addressed in the report from the Hamilton Commission.

During an appearance on BBC Breakfast, Hamilton continued by saying, “I want to be part of changing the world, and it starts with the kids.” We have to work on improving the pipeline, and we have to start by allowing these children access when they are still in elementary school.

The British seven-time world champion’s most recent effort is helping the Young STEM Futures Programme in his hometown of Stevenage through his Mission 44 charity. He is doing this by drawing on his personal experiences as a child and in the world of motorsport.

The 38-year-old Hamilton will take part in a number of activities that are connected to the program as a whole. His charity will work with the local council and colleges to mentor fifty ninth-grade students, and it will also assist primary schools in enhancing the experience that youngsters have with science lectures.

“I found it to be really difficult at school,” he stated. “I came to the conclusion that it was not a pleasant experience for me.

“I remember very clearly how difficult it was, and I have this incredible platform; it would be a shame not to make use of it.” “I remember very clearly how difficult it was.”


“We need equal opportunity for these kids to come through and feel like there’s a home for them – or the job for them – within these industries. We want them to feel like there’s a place for them.

“There are thousands upon thousands of employment, over 40,000 jobs within the industry [motorsport], and just 1% of workers, for example, come from black backgrounds. Additionally, there are relatively few women working in the field, which is also not enough.

Because of this, there is a significant amount of work to be done to enhance diversity and gender equality, and these are the goals that I have set for my charitable organization.

In addition, Hamilton responded to comments made by three-time world champion Sir Jackie Stewart that he “no longer has that hunger” by implying that his detractors are “short-minded people” who “do not know the work done in the background.” Stewart had stated that Hamilton “no longer has that hunger.”

When asked about his plans for the future, Hamilton stated that he would rather try to be “encouraging” for the next generation of drivers. He went on to say, “They’re going to make lots of mistakes.” I still stand to make errors over the better part of the next few decades. But I want to be the kind of figure who lifts people up, who tells them it’s OK to mess up, and who inspires them; I don’t want to be the one who puts people down.

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