Rugby World Cup followers accuse England star of ‘punching opponent’s head’ | Rugby | Sport

Rugby World Cup followers have accused England star Theo Dan of “punching” Argentina’s Juan Cruz Mallia within the head after scoring a attempt in his aspect’s 26-23 win over the Pumas. Steve Borthwick’s aspect got here by means of the match’s penultimate match on high however not with out controversy, as Argentina’s first attempt was alleged to have come through a ahead go earlier than Dan’s contentious second.

Hooker Dan had gone from villain to hero in a matter of minutes, as his missed deal with allowed Santiago Carreras to go over for the attempt to give Argentina the lead. Nonetheless, moments later Dan charged down a clearance kick and scored himself to atone for the error.

However in the course of the second attempt he was accused of “punching” Cruz Mallia within the aftermath as he rolled away after touching down and making an attempt to interrupt freed from the deal with, however some followers watching on TV felt that he ought to have been punished for the incident.

On X (previously referred to as Twitter) @areyousavvy wrote: “The TMO has been abysmal. Theo Dan threw a punch he must be despatched off.” as they reacted to the incident.

Whereas @Ram5y was one other to notice the incident that was not pulled again by the TMO. They added “Did Theo Dan simply punch the Argentina 15 within the head when he rolled again off him after scoring the attempt? After which received ignored by everybody?”

One social media consumer even felt that Dan wanted “some mood management” for his antics. “How are gamers not allowed to dive on a participant going over the road to attempt push them out however that is allowed – a punch to the top?” @alanahisrugby wrote. “Theo dan needing some mood management there, nothing even occurred besides him getting tackled.”

A number of followers have been of the opinion that the TMO ought to have taken a more in-depth have a look at the aftermath of the attempt. @Ebenezer68 wrote: “Unsure why Theo Dan’s celebratory punch on Mallia didn’t get a fast evaluation.”

Whereas @jneill echoed their sentiments: “Maintain on, did England’s Theo Dan punch the Argentinian behind the top after he scored?”

Dan was not known as again for the alleged incident and remained on the pitch for an extra 10 minutes earlier than being substituted off by Borthwick, earlier than England went on to carry agency to assert their bronze medals.

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